═══ 1. Commander ═══ The Commander is a useful tool for your Computer. You have a large palette of commands for files, directories and logical drives. Related Information: o File o Disk o Commands o Options o Left o Right ═══ 2. Keys Help ═══ o F2 Run an external program o F3 View a file o F4 Edit a file o F5 Copy files and directories o F6 Move files and directories o F7 Make a new directory o F8 Delete files and directories o F9 Container o F10 Exit. o Alt F1 Change the drive in the left panel o Alt F2 Change the drive in the right panel o Alt F3 Dump a file o Alt F5 Pack o Alt F6 Unpack all files o Alt F7 Search the current disk for files o Alt F8 History o Alt F9 Size of Directories o Alt Q Quick search o Ctrl F1 Toggle the left panel on and off o Ctrl F2 Toggle the right panel on and off o Ctrl F3 Sort files alphabetical by name o Ctrl F4 Sort files alphabetical by extension o Ctrl F5 Sort files by time o Ctrl F6 Sort files by size o Ctrl F7 Show the files in the same order as on the disk o Ctrl F8 Synchronize directories function o Ctrl F9 Prefered Paths function o Ctrl A Edit file attributes o Ctrl C Compare the content of the directories o Ctrl E Make left panel = right panel o Ctrl H Show the hidden files o Ctrl L Toggle Info panel o Ctrl Q Start the Quick Search o Ctrl R Reread the directories left and right o Strg S Compute the occupied space from the selection o Ctrl T Show the application type of an executable file o Ctrl U Change the position of the two panels o Shift F4 Start the editor with a new empty file o Shift F6 Rename files and directories o Shift F9 Save the current settings o Alt 1, 2 ... 0 User menu o Ctrl+Alt+Letters Quick search in current directory o Ctrl+Enter Copy the selection (with path) into the command bar o Ctrl+Enter+Shift Copy the selection (without path) into the command bar o Ctrl+Home Change to the root directory o Ctrl+\ Change to the root directory o Ctrl+PgUp Change to the up-directory o Shift+Left Change to the up-directory o Ctrl+PgDown Change directory o Shift+Right Change directory o Ctrl+Tab Change le focus with the Command Bar o Ctrl+Space Call the Filter Dialog o Shift+Print Print the selected file ═══ 3. File ═══ Operations with files. More Informations: o Run o View o Dump o Edit o Copy o Move o Rename o Make directory o Delete o Print o Pack o Unpack o File attributes o Application type o Select o Exit ═══ 4. Run ═══ If you have selected an executable programm you can run it directly by double-clicking with the left mouse button, or press enter on the keyboard on the panel. With this option, you can run an external program in the same situation or search for new program. I recomand to specified the application type. If your selection is not an executable file, ignore the message and select an executable program. ═══ 5. View ═══ View (read-only) the selected file with the internal viewer. ═══ 6. Dump ═══ HEX-dump (and more) the selected file. ═══ 7. Edit ═══ Edit loads the file under the cursor bar into the specified editor. You have an internal editor for files up to 65535 bytes. This work verry fast. ═══ 8. Copy ═══ The Copy command allows you to copy files and directories. You can use in the name of the file/directory wildcards. If you selected on the menu Options-Configuration that you use the right mouse button for drag and drop, you can copy with this faiture one ore more file and directory. The Filter work into the subdirectories. ═══ 9. Move ═══ This command allows you to move files and directories. You can use in the name of the file/directory wildcards. Also you can obtain a move with rename. If the target drive is the same logical drive than the source drive, this operation go very fast: just the references are affected. ═══ 10. Rename ═══ This command allows you to rename files and directories. You can use in the name of the file/directory wildcards. ═══ 11. Make directory ═══ This command allows you to create directories. The new directory must not be a subdirectory on the active directory. It is possible to make directory directly on a new drive. With this command it is possible to create more that one subdirectories: You must only type the completly subdirectories you need, for example abc\efg\hi\jk The Commander makes all directories. ═══ 12. Delete ═══ This command allows you to delete file(s) and directories. All marked or selected file(s) or directories are deleted. ═══ 13. Print ═══ With the Print operation, you have the posibility to print ASCII files. The files are printig paginate or if you whant, you can let your printer to make that. If you have graphics or you whant to print with another fonts, you must make that with an external editor. ═══ 14. Pack ═══ Pack all the marked files with the selected packer. ═══ 15. Unpack ═══ Unpack all the files stored in the zipfile with the selected packer. ═══ 16. File attributes ═══ There are two ways to change the attributes off files: o 1. If you have selected only one file, you can change the attributes, the date and/or the time for this file. o 2. You have selected a directory or more than one file, you can set or delete the attributes, for all selected files. This command works for all directories that you have selected. ═══ 17. Application type ═══ Use this option to obtain informations about the type of the executable file. Executables files are COM, EXE, DLL files an so one. The bath files are no recognised. ═══ 18. Select ═══ Select and unselect a group of files and directories. Related Information: o Select group o Deselect group o Invert selection o Restore selection ═══ 19. Select group ═══ Select all the filetred files. ═══ 20. Deselect group ═══ Deselected all the filtered files. ═══ 21. Invert selection ═══ Invert the current selection by unselecting all the files witch are selected, and selecting all the files witch are not selected. ═══ 22. Restore selection ═══ Restore the selection after a copy, rename or other function. ═══ 23. Exit ═══ This command quits the Commander. ═══ 24. Disk ═══ Operations with disks. More Informations: o Copy Disk o Compare Disk o Verify Disk o Rename Volume o Format Data Disk o Disk Info o Select Disk o Size of Directories ═══ 25. Copy Disk ═══ With this option you can make one ore more copies from your diskette. ═══ 26. Compare Disk ═══ This command will compare an entire diskette with another diskette. You will be prompted for the source and target disk letters of the two disks to compare. ═══ 27. Verify Disk ═══ With this command you can detect hard-errors on diskettes. ═══ 28. Rename Volume ═══ Rename Volume allows you to change the label of a disk. ═══ 29. Format Data Disk ═══ With this command you format a logical disk. ═══ 30. Disk Info ═══ This command show you informations about the selected disk. ═══ 31. Select Disk ═══ This command allows you to change the selected disk. ═══ 32. Size of Directories ═══ Select this function for compute the size of the files stored in directories. This function select automatoicaly the Fullmodus when the size not be able to display, example the current panel ist in Briefmodus. ═══ 33. Commands ═══ The Commands menu provides access to a number of commands in the Commander. More Informations: o Find file o History o Prefered Paths o Container o System information o Date and Time o Swap panels o Left = Right o Compare directories o Synchronize directories o Calculate occupied space o User menu o Extension file edit o Create Programm Object o Kill Process o Shut down ═══ 34. Find file ═══ This command searches the selected disk(s) for files. You can search for files by name or search for files containing specified text. o File(s) to find: Type in the name you want to search. o Containig: You can enter a text string to search. o Case sensitive: You can search a text case sensitive or not. o Drives: You can mark one ore more drive to search. o All: Mark all drives or restore the last selection. o Found List Box: Files that are found. Buttons: o Search - Start the search. o Cancel - Cancel the search dialog. o Stop - Stop the search. o Go to - Go to a found file. o Edit - Edit a found file. Metacharacters in a file name work as follows: o A question mark (?) match one character. o An asterisk (*) match any characters for the rest of the name or extension. o A period (.) in the name causes to match same as "*.*" ═══ 35. History ═══ This command brings up a list with the last paths that you have issued in this Commander session and (optional) the saved paths from old sessions. Each path will be stored just one time. The old items are remove. To go back into a path from list, press the flash button. You can remove paths from list. ═══ 36. Prefered Paths ═══ This command brings up a list with the preffered paths that you have stored and saved from old sessions. ═══ 37. Container ═══ The Container is a temporary place to hold full pathnames references that you want to manipulate later. ═══ 38. System information ═══ Display information about your conputer. ═══ 39. Date and Time ═══ This comand give you the possibility to change the date and time of your computer. ═══ 40. Swap panels ═══ This command changes the position of the two panels so that the left appears on the right and the right appears on the left. ═══ 41. Left = Right ═══ Change the path on the unselected panel to the current selected path. ═══ 42. Compare directories ═══ This command compares the contents of the directories displayed in two panels. The differences are marked. ═══ 43. Synchronize directories ═══ This command Synchronize directories. Compares the contents of the directories that are selected in the two panels. If the directories have diferences, it makes automaticaly a copy from the actual files. You can take a filter for the files. Example: *.doc *.txt *.lwp ═══ 44. Calculate occupied space ═══ Calculates the space occupied by the marked files and their complete subdirectories. If no file is selected, the space occupied by the file or directory under the cursor bar is calculated. Additionally, the file size is rounded to the cluster size of the source and destination directory, to get real space required. The space for the directory information itself is not considered. ═══ 45. User menu ═══ You have the possibility to define your menu. With the Hotkeys you can start the defined programms. ═══ 46. Extension file edit ═══ This command is used to create and maintain the extension file, wich associates programs with file extensions. this feature allows you to point-and-shoot on a file to load that file into application that created it. You can insert a new definition or delete one. It is possible to find the associate programm with the Search push-button. I recomande to specify the application type. You can insert Parameters into the Command.The ! show where will insert the actually selection. If you don't write the ! , the parameters are append to end of the command. Example: D:\Path\Programm Parameter1 ! Parameter2 ═══ 47. Create Programm Object ═══ This command is used to create a new programm object. ═══ 48. Kill Process ═══ Here is possible to send the KILLPROCESS exception to another process or group of processes. The default action of the system is to terminate each of the processes. The process are identified by PID. If more processes are the same PID, all are killed. ═══ 49. Shut down ═══ You can preserve your Desktop by shutting down your system before turning it off. Warning: You might lose information if you turn off your computer without shutting down your system. Check all sessions for unsaved information before you start the shutdown. The next time you start the operating system, all objects that were open when you shut down are open again and are displayed with the same view they had at the time of the shutdown. ═══ 50. Options ═══ The items in this pull-down menu allow you to set various options of the Commander. More Informations: o Tool Bar o Disk Bar o Status Bar o Command Bar o Font o Color o Configuration o Customized Layout o Editor o Packer o Language o Save setup ═══ 51. Tool Bar ═══ Change the buttons into the tool bar. You can add new buttons from the left listbox, delete or move it. You have also the possibility to show or hide the tool bar. The dimension from a button are also optional: from 20 to 64. The recomanded size for the small buttons are 24 and for the big buttons are 34. ═══ 52. Disk Bar ═══ You have the possibility to show or hide the disk bar. ═══ 53. Status Bar ═══ You have the possibility to show or hide the status bar. The status bar is a good tool with allows you to have more informations about the Commander. You have also a context menu with the right mouse button. You can activate the menu for files, for the left or right panel, or one of the specific menus. For example if you use the context menu with the mouse pointer on the time field you can modify the date and time of your computer. The status bar can have differents fonts. ═══ 54. Command Bar ═══ You have the possibility to show or hide the command bar. ═══ 55. Font ═══ With the standard dialog box you have the possibility to change the panels font. The dialog box presents only fixed-width (monospace) fonts. The customized layout can have all fonts. See the options on the customized layout. ═══ 56. Color ═══ This option allows you to choose the Commander's colors. For user defined colors, you must selected in the list box a color from the palette. An example area shows you the color selection. ═══ 57. Configuration ═══ This dialog box allows you to set options. You can choose options for panel, for right mouse button, confirmations and other. The confirmations lets you determine the security level you want for file operations. With the option Copy newer files only, the Commander copy or move over only newer files when the destination has there files already. ═══ 58. Customized Layout ═══ You have a posibility to customize the layout for the panels. You can select the fields, the order from this fields and the font for panels. The name must be selected. ═══ 59. Language ═══ You have a posibility to change the language for Commander. The language modules are dynamicaly linked. It is possible to appear new language modules for the Commander. You must just copy the COMMxxx.DLL and the COMMxxx.HLP files into the same path with the Commander. After that, you must select this menu and change to the new language. The present modules are displayed into a listbox. You can have more instances of the Commander in one time, with differen languages. You can have conflict just on a diferent versions from the Commander. ═══ 60. Editor ═══ This option allows you to select an external editor, rather than built-in one, to use when you press the F4 key or select the Edit menu. The internal editor running verry quickly. It can work just with files up to 65535 bytes. For big files the Commander swich automaticaly to the external editor. Also you can print from the Commander or from the internal editor just ASCII files without graphics or specialy fonts. For graphical printing, you need a editor. ═══ 61. Packer ═══ Set the options for the packer. The compression configuration commands are: File extension of compressed file type . Command to add a file to a compressed file. Command to add a file to a compressed file and also store the file's full pathname. Command to extract a file from a compressed file. Command to extract a file from a compressed file and maintain it's full pathname. Command to delete a file from a compressed file. Command to select the best compression method supported by the compression utility. Command to create the smallest compressed file. Command to create a compressed file in the fastest possible time. WARNING: The first packer MUST be the PKZIP. ═══ 62. Save setup ═══ This option saves the current settings so the Commander will come back with the same settings the next time you it start. ═══ 63. Left ═══ The Left menu allow you to change the Left panel. You can switch to the Right panel with Tab key. More Informations: o Customized o Brief o Full o Info o Tree o On/Off o Sort o Re-read o Filter o Drive ═══ 64. Customized ═══ Show the files on customed form. ═══ 65. Brief ═══ Brief shows the files on one or more columns, only by name. ═══ 66. Full ═══ Full show one column with all files in a directory, along with the size, date, time and attributes. ═══ 67. Tree ═══ This panel displays a directory tree on the current drive. ═══ 68. On/Off ═══ Toggle the left panel on and off. ═══ 69. Sort ═══ You can control the order in witch you see the files in a directory. Related Information: o Name o Extension o Time o Size o Unsorted o Reversed ═══ 70. Name ═══ Sort files alphabetically by name. ═══ 71. Extension ═══ Sort files alphabetically by extension. ═══ 72. Time ═══ Sort files by time. ═══ 73. Size ═══ Sort files by size, with the largest files first. Files with the same size will be sorted alphabeticcally. ═══ 74. Unsorted ═══ Show the files in the same order as on disk. ═══ 75. Reversed ═══ Show the files in the reversed order. ═══ 76. Info ═══ This command shows you informations about the selected disk. You can select this window from the menu or kontextmenu on the status bar. You can also select this window thit the keys Ctrl+L and restore the non-selected panel with the same key combination. ═══ 77. Re-read ═══ This option allows you to re-read the informations in a panel. ═══ 78. Filter ═══ The filter command allows you to control what files you see in the Left file panel. ═══ 79. Drive ═══ This menu item allows you to change drives in the left panel. ═══ 80. Right ═══ The Right menu allow you to change the Right panel. You can switch to the Left panel with Tab key. Related Information: o Customized o Brief o Full o Info o Tree o On/Off o Sort o Re-read o Filter o Drive ═══ 81. Customized ═══ Show the files on customed form. ═══ 82. Brief ═══ Brief shows the files on one or more columns, only by name. ═══ 83. Full ═══ Full show one column with all files in a directory, along with the size, date, time and attributes. ═══ 84. Tree ═══ This panel displays a directory tree on the current drive. ═══ 85. On/Off ═══ Toggle the Right panel on and off. ═══ 86. Sort ═══ You can control the order in witch you see the files in a directory. Related Information: o Name o Extension o Time o Size o Unsorted o Reversed ═══ 87. Name ═══ Sort files alphabetically by name. ═══ 88. Extension ═══ Sort files alphabetically by extension. ═══ 89. Time ═══ Sort files by time. ═══ 90. Size ═══ Sort files by size, with the largest files first. Files with the same size will be sorted alphabeticcally. ═══ 91. Unsorted ═══ Show the files in the same order as on disk. ═══ 92. Reversed ═══ Show the files in the reversed order. ═══ 93. Info ═══ This command shows you informations about the selected disk. You can select this window from the menu or kontextmenu on the status bar. You can also select this window thit the keys Ctrl+L and restore the non-selected panel with the same key combination. ═══ 94. Re-read ═══ This option allows you to re-read the informations in a panel. ═══ 95. Filter ═══ The filter command allows you to control what files you see in the Right file panel. ═══ 96. Drive ═══ This menu item allows you to change drives in the Right panel. ═══ 97. Quick search ═══ Push the Alt and the Q Keys. The Quick search dialog box apear on bottom to Commander window. Taste one or more leters from the begin of the searched file name. If one, the select are moved to the file with this criteria. You can step to the nect file with this criteria with the "Ctrl+Enter" keys. Press Enter to keep the found selection, or press Esc if you want to restore the old selection.